Conventional heating elements within a pad will emit an EMF. One of the biggest problems is the fact that insects can be almost anywhere including your couches and furniture. Larsen 2 Piece Top Grain Leather Set Sofa Loveseat Leather Sofa And Loveseat Top Grain Leather Sofa Couch And Loveseat Can you use a heating pad on a leather couch. . Water makes leather brittle removing the natural oils that keep the material supple causing the material to dry out and crack. Dip a cloth into the mixture wringing it out so its damp and not wet. 4 Common Household Bugs that Are Hiding on Couches and Furniture. You should be fine to go. Yes it will if left on long enough on high the heat can create a brown hardened leather and yes it. Thick Leather on Top 3oz. Visit Find Flexsteel for information on retailers nearest to you. Wipe down the entire surface of the leather furniture piece. For any of our Flexsteel leather fu...